연구/책2 Opengl-Es Game Development Opengl-Es Game Development (Game Development Series) by Dave Astle, Dave Durnil (Contributor) List Price: $39.99 Price: $27.99 Paperback: 400 pages Publisher: Premier Press; (June 2004) ISBN: 1592003702 http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1592003702/104-5945533-5415162 2004. 3. 29. GPU Gems: Programming Techniques, Tips and Tricks for Real-Time Graphics http://www.aw-bc.com/catalog/academic/product/0,4096,0321228324,00.html GPU Gems: Programming Techniques, Tips and Tricks for Real-Time Graphics View Larger Image Randima Fernando ISBN: 0-321-22832-4 Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional Copyright: 2004 Format: Cloth Bound w/CD-ROM; 608 pp Status: Not Yet Published; Estimated Availability: 03/26/2004 US: $59.99 You Save: $6.00 (10% off) Our Pri.. 2003. 12. 18. 이전 1 다음