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Stefan Roettger - Real-Time Generation of Continuous Levels of Detail for Height Fields

by fermi 2003. 8. 27.

출처 : Focus on 3D Terrain Prog. 108p Chap. 6 Quadtree

Terrain Rendering (1998):
Stefan Roettger, Wolfgang Heidrich, Philipp Slusallek, and Hans-Peter Seidel. Real-Time Generation of Continuous Levels of Detail for Height Fields. In V. Skala, editor, Proc. WSCG '98, pages 315-322, 1998. (PDF PPT MPG)


Terrain Rendering (2001):
Stefan Roettger and Thomas Ertl. Hardware Accelerated Terrain Rendering by Adaptive Slicing. In Proc. VMV '01, pages 159-168, infix, 2001. (PDF PPT)


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