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DigitalOcean Ubuntu VPS 에서 OpenVPN Access Server 설정

by fermi 2014. 10. 11.

참고: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-openvpn-access-server-on-ubuntu-12-04

참고: https://docs.openvpn.net/access-server/

Software Packages


Installing OpenVPN Acess Server

Let's begin by logging in as the root user. From here, download the OpenVPN AS package:

sudo wget http://swupdate.openvpn.org/as/openvpn-as-2.0.7-Ubuntu12.amd_64.deb

The above link is for 64-bit cloud servers since that is what we've decided to use. If by any chance you're using a 32-bit version, the download link would be:

sudo wget http://swupdate.openvpn.org/as/openvpn-as-2.0.7-Ubuntu12.i386.deb

To install OpenVPN AS, enter the following command:

dpkg -i openvpn-as-2.0.7-Ubuntu12.amd_64.deb 

If you are using a 32-bit cloud server, enter the following command instead:

dpkg -i openvpn-as-2.0.7-Ubuntu12.i386.deb

That's it. OpenVPN AS is now installed. However, there are still some things left to do before we can use it. During the installation, OpenVPN has created a default admin user called 'openvpn'. We need to set a password for 'openvpn'. To do that, enter the following command:

sudo passwd openvpn

You'll be prompted to enter your desired password. Make sure your password is secure.

Administration and Client Software Setup

OpenVPN AS web interfaces can be found at:

Admin  UI: https://YourIpAddress:943/admin

Client UI: https://YourIPAddress:943/

Replace "YourIPAddress" with your actual cloud server's IP address. Then, head over to the Client UI to use the access server. You'll see a big bad security warning. But don't be alarmed, it is perfectly okay since we've self-signed our server's SSL. Ignore the warning and click Ok/Proceed and you'll be prompted for username and password. Enter 'openvpn' as the username and the password should be what you've set for 'openvpn' before. 

설정결과 설정파일 위치


사용자 account 추가

참고: https://openvpn.net/index.php/access-server/docs/admin-guides/216-how-to-add-users-to-your-openvpn-access-server.html


adduser examleuser

passwd exampleuser

If you would like to set OpenVPN-AS Specific User Permissions; for example: Administrator, AutoLogin, VPN IP Address etc you will need to login to the OpenVPN-AS Admin UI (https://x.x.x.x:943/admin) with an Administrator account and navigate over to the User Permissions page:

Using DD-WRT with OpenVPN Access Server

참고: https://docs.openvpn.net/frequently-asked-questions/using-dd-wrt-with-openvpn-access-server/

Creating and Downloading the Autologin Profile

To create and download the autologin profile for your DD-WRT router, visit the User Permissions area, create an appropriate username for the DD-WRT OpenVPN client, and then check the Allow Auto-login checkbox. Click the Update Running Server button to make sure the changes take effect.

TLS Cipher 

AES-256 SHA 로 설정 한 후 Status의 OpenVPN Log 에서 TLS plain text error (?) 가 있어서 AES-128 SHA 로 수정함